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Find Nearest Amscot Locations

closest amscotAmscot nearby is a company offering financial services and it is based in America with its headquarters in Tampa, Florida. The founder of Amscot is Ian Mackenzie who is a businessman and entrepreneur who together with his family came to the United States from Scotland in 1986 and started this company in 1989.

The first job he landed was a bakery which he bought and started supplying pastries and doughnuts all over West Central Florida. As the business of the bakery continued he noticed a need in the market where his employers were cashing their cheques in places that were not convenient and unsafe because they were avoiding bank hassle.

Seeing this demand in the market he decided to sell his bakery company and started a small cash-check company which was trademarked Amscot, whereby later he opened other branches.


The company has grown as of June 2016 and has opened about 239 branches in Miami, Orlando, and Tampa Bay.

According to the Tampa bay business journal, Amscot 2008 has been noted as the top employing company in Tampa with approximately 2,000 employees in all its branches.

The company s well known for not franchising its branches. It serves more than 3 million people yearly with Mackenzie as the CEO and having his son who is the executive vice-chairman treasurer and secretary, Ian Andrew Mackenzie also his son serves as the operating chief officer and president.

Ian Mackenzie has been reported by Tampa Bay business journal on December 25, 2015, as one of the top 5 searched people in 2015.

Services Offered

A closeby Amscot provides non-bank consumer financial services through networking in its branches all around Florida, it offers the following services to his customers, these are Payment of bills, cashing checks, giving short-term cash advances, giving free money orders, ATMs in all its branches wire transfers notary services, fax services, and postage.


Amscot has membered in Consumer financial services association in America known for its membership best practices standards in national trade organizations. It has other memberships in the state industry association, Florida consumer financial services in America (FAFSA), and (FISCA) Financial service centers of America.

Giving back to the community

The Amscot near you has established and partnered with other associations that give back to the community, including the Children rescue network which provides Free ID safety cards for children to parents in instances where a child goes missing. It has also partnered with enforcers of law by promoting awareness of traffic safety.

It has a program called “Amscot Kids first” that provides free riding bicycles, helmets, and other fittings, by the year 2013, it had given out over 12,000 free bike helmets.

The company also started another program in 2006 called the "just a dollar" campaign for the local education foundation to raise funds.


Are you in a hurry and you are wondering if you will beat the ques and the waiting in the banks and you are in America try Amscot in your area which is one of the best financial advisers and the best check cashing industry one cannot avoid?

If you are in America and its surroundings try Amscot and you will never regret it. Amscot believes if you are blessed to find ways of giving back to your community that’s why they have partnered and established programs that help the community. Check out our homepage for the more good stuff or visit our abandoned places page.

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