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Coding bootcamps are often called a “fast track” to well-paying tech jobs. And with lower tuition costs, shorter class times, and a practical learning curriculum, these alternative education schools are praised for increasing access to a tech education. But are coding bootcamps really worth it? We’ve asked hundreds of alumni about their investment and whether it paid off – here’s what we’ve found.

Are Coding Bootcamps Near You worth it?

nearest coding bootcamp locations

Short answer: the data says YES. If you want the long answer, let’s dig a little deeper into what makes an educational program worth it and how coding bootcamps measure up.

What makes a good educational experience in tech? Right now, most university computer science programs are four years long and you can expect your tuition to ring in at about $163,140. The average bachelor’s degree holder earn $59,124. On the other hand, coding bootcamps are ~14 weeks long and average $11,874 in tuition. And the average coding bootcamp graduate earns $70,698.

Our Takeaway: Bootcamp students can learn how to code faster and cheaper with guided support in smaller class sizes, and bootcamp graduates actually make more than college grads.

Can I calculate my bootcamp ROI?

To understand if a bootcamp is worth it, you’ll need to calculate two figures: your total investment and your starting salary goal.

Total Investment: Be sure to consider Tuition (Pro Tip: the average bootcamp tuition is $11,874), Computer, Rent + Living Costs for 3-6 months

Starting Salary Goal: According to Course Report’s research, coding bootcamp graduates report an average of $70,698, with a median salary of $65,000 in their first jobs. On average, expect to make ~$70K per year.

The average bootcamp grad sees an average salary increase of 50.5% or $23,724(!) which almost immediately pays off your investment. Everyone’s story is different, but here’s how General Assembly graduate Ileana Ordonez calculated whether her coding bootcamp was worth it. See how Ileana squeezed the most value out of her coding bootcamp experience:

How Much Will I Make After Bootcamp?

Here are the facts – overall, 83% of coding bootcamp grads are employed full-time and take 1-6 months to get their first job. Everyone will have a different job search journey, but it’s important to remember that networking with other tech professionals and utilizing the coding bootcamps career services help is vital to landing your first job.

In Course Report’s most recent study of 1450 graduates, we found that coding bootcamp graduates earn an average of $70,698, but this increases as developers gain seniority in the industry. On average, graduates earn $79,944 at their second job after bootcamp, and $90,421 at their third job after bootcamp so salaries typically increases by 25% as bootcampers progress in the industry.

If you're interested in how coding bootcamp grads perform a few years out, Flatiron School surveyed more than 150 alumni who graduated one to four years ago to find out how their careers have positively progressed. Watch VP of Career Services, Rebekah Rombom, share what coding bootcampers can expect their career trajectories to look like.


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