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Frost Bank Near Me Locator

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History Of The Nearest Frost Bank

nearest frost bank locationsFrost Bank was instituted way back in 1868 by Thomas Frost. It survived the great depression of the 1930s when thousands of banks were shut down. In 1977, the company fused with Cullen Bankers, Inc. establishing Cullen/Frost Bankers, Inc. The bank is the main institution belonging to Cullen/Frost Bankers, Inc. The bank received a national charter in 1899 and later opted for a state charter in 2012.

The bank has acquired several corporations over the years. In 1999, it took on Commerce Financial Corp, Alamo Corporation together with Alamo Bank of Texas ($ 87 million) in 2005 as well as Horizon Capital Bank ($107) in addition to Texas community Bank ($31 million) in the same year. These followed by the acquisition of Summit Bancshares Inc. in 2006.

Bank Management

The top individuals in Frost Bank are Phillip D. Green, who is the Chairman and CEO, Paul H Bracher with the role of President and Jerry Salinas who is the CFO and Group Executive Vice President. Patrick B Frost is president and Group Executive vice president of Frost Wealth Advisors.

Branches And Locations

Frost Bank near you is among the big guns in banking in the United States of America, boasting of a net income of $0.356 billion in 2017. It is a Texas-Chattered bank, having its headquarters in San Antonio. All of its 134 outlets and about 1,300 functioning automated teller machines are all Texas-based. The bank plans expansion by doubling its branch count in Houston starting 2018 and continuing through 2020.
There are 126 Frost Bank locations as of now with Houston and San Antonio having the highest number of branches (19 and 21 respectively). Austin hosts 10 branches while Fort Worth is served by 9. The rest of the branches are spread throughout Texas.

The Figures At Frost

Total assets if the bank amount to $31.747 billion with total equity of 3.173 billion both figures recorded as of 2017. The bank has about 5,000 employees and the number is expected to grow with the Houston expansion plan.

Products And Services

Frost banks in your area offer Personal as well as business banking, investment, and insurance. Products and services offered include certificates of deposit, gift cards, home loans and equity, personal and auto loans. The bank has mobile banking services, checking, savings, money market accounts, brokerage accounts, managed accounts, and education funding. On top of that, they offer trust and estate planning, investment advisory, and insurance products and services.

The minimum deposit in the savings account is $50 which can be viewed as quite high. The rate is 0.20%. There is a monthly $ 3.50 service fee charged upon accounts with a balance of $500 or lower.

For the Money Market account, a $15 monthly service fee is waived on accounts with a minimum of $ 15,000. The interest is compounded monthly for this account and interest rates go up with greater account balances.

There are quite competitive interest rates when it comes to Frost Bank and quite high compared to a majority of national banks. Its certificates of deposits are decent, with good rates on deposits as low as $ 1,000. Deposits in Frost Bank are insured by FDIC.

Customer Experience

The bank has managed to maintain a stellar reputation by striving to give customers a square deal and putting emphasis on long-term relationships. Deposits in Frost Bank are insured by FDIC.

The customer service at the closest Frost Bank is pretty commendable. Reports and reviews suggest great customer satisfaction. The bank has managed to maintain a stellar reputation by striving to give customers a square deal and putting emphasis on long-term relationships. Having a Frost bank account entitles you to free access to the Automated Teller Machine network across Texas.

Working Hours

Nearby Frostoperateperates from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The bank is closed on Saturdays and Sundays.

Data Breach At Frost

In March 2018 there was a reported data breach at Frost Bank that allowed intruders to view and copy archived electronic images of checks. The bank issued a statement stating that the breach was limited to one third-party lockbox software program serving about 470 commercial customers.

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